
  • Polarization Beam Combiner
  • Polarization Beam Combiner

Polarization Beam Combiner

The main purpose of this device is to combine the output beams of two polarization states and a single-tube semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 915nm or 975nm to make a fiber pusher module.
300w 1.5%loss 1milliarc

Product introduction

  • The main purpose of this device is to combine the output beams of two polarization states and a single-tube semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 915nm or 975nm to make a fiber pusher module. This product has the following functions: high power withstand, small insertion loss, small divergence angle after closing, and be able to adapt to temperature changes in various harsh environments.

    After the laser beams are combined, the power becomes larger, and the beam-combining device we developed will withstand a large laser power of more than 300W. In addition, after combining the laser beams, the loss should be reduced to a minimum. The loss of the P light and S light of this beam combiner can be less than 1.5%, which greatly reduces the insertion loss of the laser, and the divergence of the two laser beams after combining. The angle should be less than 1 milliarc, otherwise, it may cause loss due to the separation of the two combined laser beams. When used in various harsh environments, especially in environments where the temperature difference between day and night is particularly large (-20C-80C), the combined beam must also be stable.


    The two-end single-tube semiconductor lasers have the advantages of high brightness, good wavelength consistency, and small numerical aperture after coupling through this device, which can meet the special requirements of high-power fiber lasers for pumping sources.

    1. Material: BK7(cost efficient), UVF S (good thermal stability, higher power withstanding) + Quartz

    2. Design Wavelength:915nm/976nm(customers can design other wavelengths by themselves)

    3. Transmitting Wavefront Distortion:λ/4

    4. Surface Quality:40/20(20/10--higher laser power)

    5. Clear Aperture:>85%

    6. Beam Deviation:<3( < 1'--to reduce divergence angle)

    7. Coating: PBS coating. Tp> 97%(Tp > 98.5%--higher requirements), Ts <0.1%, AOI=45°. AR coating. R <0.2%. AOI=0°.

    8. Damage Threshold:> 10J/CM2@1064nm(>15J/CM2@1064nm--higher requirements)

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