pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismPENTA PRISM
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismRHOMBOID PRISM
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismRIGHT ANGLE PRISM
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismA transparent object surrounded by two intersecting but not parallel planes, used to divide or disperse lig..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismA transparent object surrounded by two intersecting but not parallel planes, used to divide or disperse lig..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismA transparent object surrounded by two intersecting but not parallel planes, used to divide or disperse lig..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismA transparent object surrounded by two intersecting but not parallel planes, used to divide or disperse lig..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismThe pentagonal prism is one of the beam deflectors with a fixed angle (90°). It has two purposes: one is th..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismA transparent object surrounded by two intersecting but not parallel planes, used to divide or disperse lig..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismA transparent object surrounded by two intersecting but not parallel planes, used to divide or disperse lig..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprismOn the basis of the pentagonal prism, add a corner piece, and the first surface is coated with a reflective..
pentagonalprism doveprism roofprism
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