
  • High Power Narrow Band Filter
  • High Power Narrow Band Filter

High Power Narrow Band Filter

This product is an optical component that transmits or cuts off selective spectral wavelengths. Both direct and indirect optical control technologies are used in the coating process, and the coating method is used to follow up the requirements: ion beam-assisted deposition coating (IAD) or ion sputtering (IBS).
IBS IAD 300to1200nm

Product introduction

  • This product is an optical component that transmits or cuts off selective spectral wavelengths. Both direct and indirect optical control technologies are used in the coating process, and the coating method is used to follow up the requirements: ion beam-assisted deposition coating (IAD) or ion sputtering (IBS).


    Dielectric film systems, using fused a silica substrate instead of colored glass, can get higher transmittance and withstand higher power. The product has a large cut-off bandwidth, from ultraviolet to infrared (300-1200nm), and intercepts wavelengths that require high transmission.


    Customers can get high-performance products with high power, high transmittance, and wide cut-off wavelength.

    1. Material: UVFS ( good thermal stability, high power withstanding )

    2. Dimensions: φ12.7*3/φ25.4*5. Dimensions can be customized according to customer needs ( 2-200mm )

    3. Design wavelengths: 452nm/532nm/637nm/905nm/1064nm ( other wavelengths can be designed according to customer needs)

    4. Transmitting Wavefront Distortion: λ/4( λ/8--nigher requirements for imaging distortion )

    5. Surface Quality: 40/20 ( 20/10--higher laser power)

    6. Clear Aperture: >85%

    7. Parallelism: <1′( <1"--higher requirements)

    8. Coating: T>93% FWHM: 15-60nm

    9. Cutoff Depth: OD>3-5

    10. Damage Threshold: >20J/CM@1064nm 20ns

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